Thursday, April 16, 2015


1.       Define BCNF, how does it differ from 3NF?
2.       What is normalization? What are required conditions for Normalization through decomposing of data?
3.       What is functional dependency? How is it different from multi valued dependency?
4.       Explain Fourth and Fifth Normal forms?

1.      Give short notes on Transaction Management.
2.      Explain the Transaction management in a database. Explain ACID Properties?
3.      Describe storage manager component of database system structure.
4.      Explain levels of abstraction in DBMS?
5.      A. Explain Time stamped based protocol for concurrency control?
B. Explain the concept of multiple granularitiy?
6.      What is locking protocol? Explain strict two phase and rigorous two phase protocol?
7.      Explain Log Based Recovery?
8.      Explain shadow paging?


1.       Explain structure of a B+ Tree?
2.       Explain B+ Tree File Organization?
3.       Explain static Hashing and static Hashing?
4.       Explain Hash Function and Explain Hash based indexing with example.
5.       Explain ISAM?
6.       Explain ordered indices (Primary index and Multilevel Indices)?

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